


No voice goes unheard with our improve-it system

Our comprehensive system of Improve-It’s ensures everyone has an active role in job site safety. With a convenient phone app, employees have the power to both recognize success and call attention to areas that need improvement. Thanks to this innovative tool, no issue is ever overlooked; each item flagged for change is assigned a responsible party until the issue is resolved.

Luke Tallant
Heatlth & Safety Manager
MWH Constructors

As leaders in the construction industry, we are always striving to nurture a world-class safety culture that ensures zero accidents and a safe work environment. We want all employees to return home every day without incident – no exceptions.


Why We Work Safe

At all our job sites, we strive to maintain a robust culture of safety by focusing on our most important individual motivations. No matter what inspires us – family, friends, health and well-being, beloved pets, or hobbies – these reminders keep each team member dedicated to their commitment towards maintaining the safest working conditions. We regularly create mood boards with photos that evoke those core values, so they are an ever-present reminder during every shift.


Digital solutions maximize safety

Imagine having the power to visualize the future and prevent problems before they occur. The MWH Digital Delivery team is eliminating rework and revolutionizing safety using digital tools. By using 4D modeling to plan and visualize the work, we can identify jobsite hazards and risks before any of our people ever set foot onsite. This has allowed the team to increase collaboration, optimize design, and enhance the efficiency and safety of the future construction.

Jaime Rivera
Program Manager
Pima County RWRD

I would like to take this opportunity to share how pleased the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department has been with MWH’s work on the Tres Rios Wastewater Reclamation Facility project. We found MWH’s commitment to safety to be significant, with rigorous proactive approaches and regular monitoring. MWH maintained an excellent safety record throughout the project, reaching more than a million manhours without a lost-time incident.


Executive involvement allows us to puts safety first

Our leadership plays a vital role in promoting safety at every level. They are proactive participants in safety training and engage in open and accessible conversations with the project teams. With our executive team actively engaged in all aspects of the safety program, we can facilitate collaboration among various teams across different sites towards one unified goal – a zero incident environment, on every project, every single day.


Craft professionals lead the way in executing safety standards

Our Craft Safety Leadership Team is made up of MWH craft professionals that have shown exceptional leadership in championing a safe work environment. Their input provides us with valuable insights and allows us to refine processes so we can continually raise safety standards on jobsites around the country.

Recent News

MWH’s Community-Centered Approach at San Francisco’s Biosolids Digester Facilities Plant

The Biosolids Digester Facilities Project (BDFP) project is transcending the conventional boundaries of construction and industrial development. At its core, it’s a story of revitalizing the Bayview-Hunters Point district, a historically underserved community, through innovative apprenticeship programs, local business collaborations, and a profound commitment to community integration. The initiative’s impact extends well beyond revamping infrastructure to San Francisco’s largest wastewater treatment plant facility to people and placemaking.

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